Buyers Agents

Our services redefined

Get the property you want without all the hassle with the team of Buyers Agents at Fetched. 

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Property Search and Shortlisting

At Fetched, our Buyers Agents across Australia have the insight and knowledge that you need to buy well.

buyers agents australia

Property Evaluations and Appraisals

Our experienced Buyers Agents conduct thorough property valuations using industry-leading tools and methodologies.

buyers agents sydney

Due Diligence and Property Inspections

At Fetched, our Buyers Agents do everything to ensure that our clients make informed decisions and minimise potential risks when purchasing a property.

buyers agents melbourne

Auction Bidding and Negotiation

At Fetch, our services are designed to give our clients a competitive edge in the property market and help them secure their desired property at the best possible price.

Auction Bidding and Negotiation - Fetched

Off Market Property Access

At Fetched, our services are designed to give our clients exclusive access to properties that are not publicly listed, providing them with a competitive edge in the market

buyers agents perth

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